All posts in " Oswald Chambers "

As easy as breathing

By Dave Henning / August 7, 2024

“Notion your mind with the idea that God is there.  If once the mind is noticed along that line, then when you are in difficulties, it is as easy as breathing to remember — Why, my Father knows all about it!  It is not an effort, it come naturally when perplexities press.”- Oswald Chambers, My […]


The Man in the middle – Jesus

By Dave Henning / November 15, 2023

“[Jesus] is the Man in the middle of all our interpersonal pain in the faith family.  And every loss of an illusion and every gain of a reality is actually an opportunity to fellowship with Him, our Savior and First Love. . . .  Our true hope is not the family of God; it is […]


Pilgrimage or performance?

By Dave Henning / November 8, 2023

“Faith, when viewed as a performance, is often motivated by fear and self-protection.  Its focus is on perfection. . . .  As a journey, however, faith viewed as a pilgrimage is motivated by love and glad surrender.  Its focus is direction.”- Alicia Britt Chole In Chapter 36 (“The Common Thread”) of The Night is Normal, […]


The passing nature of troubles

By Dave Henning / September 24, 2021

“The passing nature of troubles is something Jesus calls us to recognize.  His challenge is to endure to persevere, to grow, and to overcome. . . .  Jesus knows that God permits things to happen in our lives only for a certain period of time and for a particular reason.”- Dr. Charles F. Stanley Dr. […]


Our dreams of success – God’s purpose for us?

By Dave Henning / October 3, 2020

“We must never put our dreams of success as God’s purpose for us.  The question of getting to a particular end is a mere incident.  What we call the process, God calls the end.  His purpose is that I depend on Him and His power now.  It is the process, not the end, which is […]

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