All posts in " humility "

High God esteem = humility

By Dave Henning / September 8, 2024

“Biblical humility flows out of a person not with low self-esteem, but with high God esteem.  This frees us to focus on building others up.  This is the way Christ did it.”- Randy Frazee “Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to […]


Teach us humility? – Satan’s offer

By Dave Henning / April 1, 2023

“Satan . . . sometimes offers to teach us humility, but though I wish to be humble, I desire not to learn in his school.  His premises [about our sinfulness] are perhaps true . . . but he draws abominable conclusions from them, and would teach us, that therefore we ought to question either the […]


The unstoppable force paradox

By Dave Henning / March 13, 2022

” ‘When the unstoppable bullet hits the impenetrable wall, we find religious experience,’ said Robert Johnson.  ‘It is precisely here that one will grow. ‘  It’s called the unstoppable force paradox, and I like to think of the unstoppable bullet as God’s sovereignty and the impenetrable wall as people’s free will. . . .  when […]


Speak out of their pain – God’s people

By Dave Henning / July 31, 2021

“When God’s people speak out of their pain, they often speak things that are not necessarily true about reality but are true of how they experience reality.  The Psalms reveal that God wants to hear what his people feel, even when, maybe especially when, what we feel seems too difficult to share.  This tells us […]


Humanity without humility negates true forgiveness

By Dave Henning / March 24, 2021

“Humanity without humility makes true forgiveness impossible.  Humanity rises up and demands that I be declared the right one, the good one, the victimized one. . . .  Humility bows low and claims the greatest victory a human can ever grasp: God’s prize of peace.”- Lysa TerKeurst As Lysa TerKeurst moves on in Chapter 13 […]


Toxic clouds of shame – clear them

By Dave Henning / July 16, 2020

“Clear any toxic clouds of shame that have been clinging to you.  And in their absence, it becomes a lot easier to discover your blue flame, as well as the truest version of yourself.”- Jennifer Fulwiler In Chapter 8 (“You Can Finally Accept Yourself”) of Your Blue Flame, Jennifer Fulwiler states we often extinguish our […]


Basin to counter our Buster

By Dave Henning / March 17, 2020

“Yes, we each have a Buster, but we also have a basin.  We’ve been wounded, perhaps deeply.  But haven’t we been forgiven preemptively?  Before we knew we needed grace, we were offered it. . . .  The Master takes my container, fills it with cleansing grace, and washes away my sins.  All my betrayals sink […]


The first word and the last word belong to God

By Dave Henning / October 20, 2019

“God created the world and everything in it.  He had the first word, and He’ll have the last.  Yet, in our pride we consider the Bible outdated and irrelevant to modern life, and ultimately, we pretend to know better.”- Bob Merritt “Or, do you think Scripture says without reason that [God] jealously longs for the […]


Gratitude fosters humility – be intentional

By Dave Henning / November 18, 2018

“Frankly, it’s (grace) easy to ignore unless I decide (intentionally) to never lose my gratitude. . . .  Gratitude fosters humility because it moves you out of the role of the star in your story.”- Carey Nieuwhof “If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works […]


Taming the raging beast of pride

By Dave Henning / November 17, 2018

“How do you tame the raging beast of pride in all its forms?  Through humility.  Nothing kills pride like humility does.  Only humility can get you out of what pride got you into.”- Carey Nieuwhof In Chapter 10 (“Habits of the Humble”) of Didn’t See It Coming, Carey Nieuwhof talks about how to become more […]


Pride inoculates you from other’s counsel

By Dave Henning / November 16, 2018

“Let pride run its course, and it will deaden your heart.  Pride inoculates you from the counsel of others and the stirrings of your conscience.  It makes you think that the rules don’t apply to you or that you can violate them without repercussion.”- Carey Nieuwhof Carey Nieuwhof concludes Chapter 9 of Didn’t See It […]


The imperfect person God speaks through

By Dave Henning / May 18, 2018

“It’s amazing how many times we dismiss the voice of God because we don’t like the imperfect person He is speaking through. We have to be able to hear people, even when they’re not completely correct and may come with the wrong attitude.”- Banning Liebscher Banning Liebscher continues Chapter 12 of Rooted as he notes […]

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