All posts in " C. S. Lewis "

Garden of Eden faith?

By Dave Henning / October 22, 2023

“We continue to expect Garden of Eden faith in a Garden of Gethsemane age.  And without a framework for processing disillusionment, we treat our add-on assumptions as proof of what we know. . . .  Such reasoning gives more power to the add-on than the truth.  We wind up keeping the illusion (I know how […]


Gift and appointment – from God

By Dave Henning / September 6, 2023

“Whatever you have is only by God’s gift and appointment (1 Chronicles 29:12-14).  So to not share with those who have less, to fail to meet their basic human needs . . . is being not simply unmerciful but unjust.”- Timothy Keller “But who am I {King David], and who are my people, that we […]


Christian identity — received

By Dave Henning / September 5, 2023

“Christian identity, however, is received, not achieved. . . .  To ground your identity in your own efforts and accomplishments — even in the amount of love you have for Jesus — is to have an unstable, fragile identity.”- Timothy Keller “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that […]


Forgiving and excusing

By Dave Henning / March 13, 2023

“But there is all the difference in the world between forgiving and excusing.  Forgiveness says, ‘Yes, you have done this thing, but I accept your apology; I will never hold it against you and everything between us two will be exactly what it was before.’  But excusing says, ‘I see that you couldn’t help or […]


A swipe on your home screen

By Dave Henning / January 19, 2023

“Jesus urges us toward endurance, resilience.  It’s available in him, but it won’t just happen.  We must take hold of the strength that prevails.  So — what’s your plan to make it through?  You need a plan. . . .  Resilience and victory aren’t going to come with a swipe on your home screen.”- John […]


The Beauty Chasers: Recapturing . . .

By Dave Henning / October 27, 2022

The Beauty Chasers: Recapturing . . . Timothy D. Willard recently published The Beauty Chasers: Recapturing the Wonder of the Divine (Zondervan Reflective, 2022).  A writer and independent scholar. Timothy lived in Oxford, England, for two years.  There he studied beauty and northern aesthetics in the works of C. S. Lewis for his PhD.  In […]


Patches of Godlight – the chase

By Dave Henning / October 25, 2022

“Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy.  These pure and spontaneous pleasures are ‘patches of Godlight’ in the woods of our experience.”- C. S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm Timothy Willard concludes Chapter 16 of The Beauty Chasers as […]


The full bloom of togetherness

By Dave Henning / October 9, 2022

“Beauty blooms in our connections with people as well as with our connections with nature.  And the full bloom of togetherness springs from our continual connection with God.”- Timothy D. Willard “We want something else which can hardly be put into words — to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, […]


Amplified in the presence of lament – joy

By Dave Henning / September 14, 2022

“The joy of the Lord is amplified in the presence of lament.  As my close friend and colleague Russ Ramsey once said in a sermon, lament is a necessary skill in the art of rejoicing.  Lament is a skill, and rejoicing is an art form.  I like how that sounds.  Don’t you?”- Scott Sauls Scott […]


Make heaven happen for ourselves?

By Dave Henning / August 31, 2022

“The world, as it is, is not our final home.  No matter how hard we try to make it so, this present world refuses to be our paradise.  We cannot make heaven happen for ourselves because heaven can only be given and received.  When we accept and receive this truth, the revival of our hearts […]


Old song into a symphony

By Dave Henning / August 15, 2022

“You brought me blessings out of a tragedy. / You turned my old song into a symphony. / And with Your spirit living inside of me, / I’m a new creation, I’m a new creation.”- Mac Powell “Put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”- Ephesians 4:24 […]


Clinging to Him like a belt

By Dave Henning / July 17, 2022

“Wrap all your trust around God, clinging to Him like a belt, to keep your whole life from falling down around your ankles, tangling you and drowning you in it all. . . .  You are on the way of Jesus only when you need to cling to Jesus the whole way.”- Ann Voskamp “For […]

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