All posts in "Short Meditations"

You are the God who sees me

By Dave Henning / October 8, 2011

How did your downsizing happen?  Did it hit like a bolt out of the blue or, in retrospect were the signs slowly but imperceptible building?  Personally, although I was experiencing a growing uneasiness in my teaching ministry, I held on to the belief that if any teachers were let go, my seniority would save me. […]


God’s healing, transformational power

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2011

Jeff Manion begins and ends his wonderful book, The Land Between, with these words: “Welcome to the Land Between”.  While the title specifically refers to the time the Children of Israel spent in the wilderness after leaving Egypt and before entering the  Promised Land, it also generally refers to any transitional period in our own […]

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