All posts in "Blog"

The Greatness of Christianity

By Dave Henning / February 23, 2012

French philosopher Simone Weil comments on the greatness of Christianity: “The extreme greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that it does not seek a supernatural remedy for suffering, but a supernatural use for it.”


Are you listening?

By Dave Henning / February 21, 2012

In his spiritual classic My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers had this to say about times of darkness in our lives: “Are you in the dark just now in your circumstances, or in your life with God?  Then remain quiet.  If you open your mouth in the dark, you will talk in the wrong […]


God walks slowly

By Dave Henning / February 20, 2012

God’s timing is everything.  As impatient as we might get, trying to hurry God or take matters into our own hands will be counterproductive.  Theologian Kosuke Koyama (quoted in Tony Lane, The Lion Concise Book of Christian Thought), described God’s walk in this way: “God walks ‘slowly’ because he is love.  If he is not […]


A swift exit ramp?

By Dave Henning / February 18, 2012

In his book The Land Between, Jeff Manion offers this caveat regarding one’s time in the Land Between, an undesired place between more desirable places: “This book is not intended be a how-to manual on locating a swift exit ramp from the Land Between.”  While it is human nature to want to avoid or remove uncomfortable  […]


Breathe in, breathe out

By Dave Henning / February 18, 2012

In his book Ordinary Saints: An Introduction to the Christian Life, Robert Benne compares the Christian life to the natural act of breathing.  He writes, “The Christian life is like breathing in ( pulling our souls into the life-sustaining power of the Spirit) and breathing out (expending that life-giving power to others).  The Christian life […]


Hearing or listening?

By Dave Henning / February 17, 2012

In our fast-paced and wordy world, the bombardment of white noise often masks the voice of God calling to us.  Kurt Senske adds; “But even hearing does not mean we are listening, which results in being obedient and having the courage to accept what God has in store for us.”  Catholic theologian Henri Nouwen once […]


Three mistakes

By Dave Henning / February 16, 2012

In his book The Calling: Living a Life of Significance, Kurt Senske says he believes people make with regard to their calling: (1) asking what I want to do with my life instead of what God wants me to do with my life; (2) focusing on obtaining some distant or future goal  as opposed to […]


The true measure of success

By Dave Henning / February 15, 2012

In his book The Calling: Living a Life of Significance, Kurt Senske says that God shapes our calling through our daily routines, and in the process “transforms ordinary life into extraordinary existence.  He adds that while Christians face the same pressures as non-Christians, our success is measured by “whom we are: redeemed people of God, […]


Coming soon!

By Dave Henning / February 13, 2012

Coming soon to an Annotated Bibliography near you (much more dramatic than saying “over the next several months”):  (1) The Calling: Living a Life of Significance by Kurt Senske; (2) The Peace God Promises by Ann Spangler: (3) If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John […]


Scriptural guidance

By Dave Henning / February 12, 2012

In his book A Better Way to Think, H. Norman Wright asserts:  “Many people use their thoughts to guide them, to give them direction.  We need something more than this because we really don’t always have a good sense of direction within us. . . .We need God’s Word.”  Jeremiah 10: 23 reminds us: I […]


Vision check

By Dave Henning / February 10, 2012

In his book Living above the Level of Mediocrity, author Chuck Swindoll states:  “Vision is the ability to see God’s presence, to perceive God’s power, to focus on God’s plan, in spite of the obstacles. . . . I sometimes think of vision as looking at life through the lens of God’s eyes, seeing situations […]


Emotional toxicity

By Dave Henning / February 7, 2012

In her book When Am I Going to Be Happy? author Penelope Russvanoff points out that “while negative emotions stick to us like tar, our positive, healthy, happy feelings are often fleeting and fragile.  Good moods are shattered by the mildest reversals and instantly replaced by bad moods.”  Commenting on this quote in his book […]

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