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Walking on Water Indicators

By Dave Henning / March 27, 2012

In If You Want to Walk on Water . . . , John Ortberg describes 4 indicators that might signal us that God is calling us out of our spiritual comfort zone: 1.  Fear- God will call us out of the boat at the point of our fears because He wants us to overcome them. 2.  Frustration- we […]


Getting to know You

By Dave Henning / March 26, 2012

As John Ortberg points out in If You Want to Walk on Water . . . , most of us are a mixture of trust and doubt.  During our desert transition times, our Land Between, doubt often becomes the more predominant thought process. Rev. Ortberg offers this wise counsel: “When people wrestle with doubt, they […]


God’s purpose for me

By Dave Henning / March 25, 2012

In times of suffering or adversity, we are prone to question God’s purpose for allowing those inopportune events.  We may feel our lives should be packed with pleasant experiences and wonder what “good” God will bring out of our situation or when the “abundant life” the Bible promises will return.  In his book Suffering: Eternity Makes […]


Letting your life speak

By Dave Henning / March 24, 2012

John Ortberg (If You Want to Walk on Water. . .) quotes Quaker educator and writer Parker Palmer on the subject of discerning God’s calling in your life: “You cannot choose you calling.  You must let your life speak.”  Listening is an essential skill to enable us to follow our calling.  John Ortberg adds, “It […]


“Thou shalt not be ridiculous”

By Dave Henning / March 23, 2012

In Chapter 3 (Discerning the Call) of his book If  You Want to Walk on Water . . . , John Ortberg contrasts two very different approaches to re-visioning one’s calling: “The line between ‘Thou shalt not be afraid’ and ‘Thou shalt not be ridiculous’ is often a fine one and not easily located.  Knowing when […]


Waiting. . .on. . .the. . .Lord

By Dave Henning / March 22, 2012

In his book If  You Want to Walk on Water . . . John Ortberg weighs in on the subject of waiting: “In some ways, ‘waiting on the Lord” is the hardest part of trusting.  It is not the same as ‘waiting around’.  It is putting yourself with utter vulnerability in his hands.”  This is […]


Walking on water

By Dave Henning / March 20, 2012

John Ortberg bases his book If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat on Matthew 14: 25-32, when Peter walks on water to meet Jesus.  In his preface the author asserts: “I believe that there is some aspect of your life in which God is calling you to […]



By Dave Henning / March 19, 2012

It takes a concerted effort to be thankful or have a spirit of gratitude when going through a time of adversity.  In such moments Paul’s words of encouragement to the Thessalonians to “give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18) remind us of God’s call for us to proclaim our trust in Him in good […]


Body and soul

By Dave Henning / March 17, 2012

Remember that simple old piano piece, “Heart and Soul”?  It takes two people synchronizing their efforts to make it work.  That’s also how we get transformed through adversity, by aligning our souls with God’s perfect will and timing, rather than trying to hurry the process.  In The Peace God Promises, Ann Spangler relates the story of an […]


Pray for those who mistreat you

By Dave Henning / March 17, 2012

God calls us to pray for each other, because when you pray for someone you can’t pronounce judgment against them, no matter great your dislike.  Ann Spangler offers this quote from Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer: “Even when sin and misunderstanding burden the communal life, is not the sinning brother still a brother, with whom […]



By Dave Henning / March 15, 2012

All teachers know that classroom management, aka student obedience, is the key to a successful learning experience.  Obedience also is essential to successful transformation in our adversity.  Often, however, we make our desert or Land Between time much more difficult than it needs to be because we aren’t obedient to God.  The Children of Israel spent […]


Your Christian faith- static or dynamic?

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2012

Whether we’re seeking to fulfill our desires or trying to resist our adversity, author Ann Spangler (The Peace God Promises) tells us that if we attempt to go it alone, without God, that’s comparable to our path ahead being obscured by fog or the fog being so dense we don’t realize there’s a path at […]

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