All posts in "Blog"

A long and winding road

By Dave Henning / May 4, 2012

After I’ve annotated and blogged a book on the Crown of Compassion web site, my wife reads the book for her benefit and to contribute her insights.  Currently she is reading The Peace God Promises by Ann Spangler.  Today she remarked that Ann Spangler commented that one reason we find it hard to keep our […]


Taking a rhythm break

By Dave Henning / May 2, 2012

While Bob Merritt stresses the importance of establishing predictable rhythms, he does acknowledge that there are times when it’t appropriate to take a break.  He states: “I’ve learned that I have to make time for things that I don’t have time for because that’s where God often shows up, that’s when surprises and adventures happen.” […]


No rhythm in a vacuum

By Dave Henning / May 1, 2012

After discussing the establishment of predictable rhythms in physical exercise and work, author Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) offers this caveat: rhythms do not exist in a vacuum.  He states:  “Nobody has the freedom to establish their own rhythm to the neglect of others who work with and around them.  . . . . […]


Routinely meeting God

By Dave Henning / May 1, 2012

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”  Philippians 4:9 In my last blog I related Bob Merritt’s idea of establishing predictable rhythms in your life.  Pastor Merritt says that requires establishing those rhythms, or what […]


Rhythm or random?

By Dave Henning / April 30, 2012

Bob Merritt distinguishes between rhythmic and random approaches to life in Chapter 6 of When Life’s Not Working.  Establishing a healthy rhythm helps you become more consistent and effective.  On the other hand, although a random approach is spontaneous and free, it can be unreliable and unpredictable.  Random is acceptable when it fits in the […]


Turn, turn, turn

By Dave Henning / April 28, 2012

In Chapter 5 of When Life’s Not Working, author Bob Merritt quotes Andy Stanley’s principle of the path: “Direction, not intention, determines destination.”  In other words, whatever path you’ve chosen will lead to a destination, God-pleasing or otherwise. After experiencing a ministry downsizing or position loss, the desire to ‘plant’ new seeds of ministry remains- […]


Time + Preparation = Opportunity

By Dave Henning / April 26, 2012

One of the key points Jeff Manion makes in his book The Land Between is that when the Israelites left Egypt they were unprepared to enter the Promised Land.  They needed desert transformation time. Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) echoes that perspective when he ways that some people want God to bless them with […]


Long days, short years

By Dave Henning / April 25, 2012

Reflecting on his 3 years spent as a doctoral student in the speech department at Penn State University (aka “Happy Valley”), Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) states they were the unhappiest years of his life.  Periods of joy were intermingled with fears, depression, and poverty. Today when people ask him how he made it, […]


I was made for this!

By Dave Henning / April 23, 2012

In his book When Life’s Not Working,  Bob Merritt says that God has given each of us the ability and desire to do things well.  He quotes Max Lucado: “You find your sweet spot at the intersection of success and satisfaction.” Most likely, our called teaching or pastoral position filled that sweet spot in our […]


This is your life

By Dave Henning / April 21, 2012

Much of our experience is mundane and routine.  Yet Pastor Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) wonders how we’re spending the rest of our lives, whether we’ve “made any room in (our) days and weeks for the things that really matter and have lasting value.” Especially for those of us who have been involved in […]


One day at a time

By Dave Henning / April 19, 2012

In When Life’s Not Working, Pastor Bob Merritt acknowledges that he doesn’t know the specifics of adversities people are facing.  But he does know “that sometimes all you can do is get through one more day, then another, and another after that, believing that God is teaching you, strengthening you, and doing something in you […]


Go right back to God

By Dave Henning / April 18, 2012

When Moses encountered resistance in his efforts to communicate God’s command to Pharaoh, Exodus 5:22 tells us that Moses went back to God.  Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) explains: “When you’re in the pit, there’s no gimmick, slogan, or saying that will get you out- sometimes there’s not even another person who can help.  […]

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