All posts in "Blog"

Trickle-down mercy

By Dave Henning / June 11, 2012

In Chapter 10 (“Mercy Me”) of Let It Go, T. D. Jakes states that while a “trickle-down” economic theory may be a flawed system, the theory is quite appropriate when applied to God’s mercy.  Just as the mercy God extends to us is”new every morning” (Lamentations 3:23), our demonstration of mercy is an extension of God’s love […]


Restoring emotional and spiritual health

By Dave Henning / June 10, 2012

In Let It Go Bishop t. D. Jakes describes what is necessary to retore healthy functionality: “The speed with which we recover from our wounds is often directly proportional to our awareness of our flaws and our willingness to move forward and risk again.” Forgiveness is a key element in restoring our emotional  and spiritual […]


Insulator, isolator, or inhibitor?

By Dave Henning / June 9, 2012

T. D. Jakes (Let It Go) describes three basic ways people internalize their reaction to being wounded: 1.  The insulator– wraps him/herself in a protective layer that keeps people from penetrating the heart and creating additional hurt.  The possibility of human intimacy is smothered by the fear that what happened in the past will recur.  […]


Rebuilding on solid ground

By Dave Henning / June 8, 2012

In Chapter 8 (“Trust Doesn’t Come Easy”) of Let It Go,  T. D. Jakes offers the following advice, most appropriate for us as we look to revision our ministries and open ourselves to God’s leading: “No one rebuilds on what  they have lost (italics are the author’s).  Rebuilding begins when you appreciate what you have […]


Crucifixion or resurrection?

By Dave Henning / June 7, 2012

Luke 23:34- Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” In Let It Go,  T. D. Jakes states that Jesus forgave those who were crucifying them because he had bigger issues to fight and didn’t want to face his resurrection drained by any issues of bitterness. He concisely relates […]


Write it off!

By Dave Henning / June 5, 2012

A number of authors I’ve read and annotated have emphasized that a major reason we must forgive, even when an apology is not forthcoming, is for our own emotional well-being.  Bishop Jakes refers to that concept as “writing it off”.  He says we must learn that “some people will not or cannot give you what […]


Anger (mis)management

By Dave Henning / June 4, 2012

Continuing his discussion of anger in Chapter 5 of Let It Go, Bishop Jakes describes the negative consequences of anger harbored for extended periods of time, long after its potential usefulness has run its course: 1.  Internalizing a deep, brooding seething anger for too long a period puts our bodies in a constant state of […]


Anger- a catalyst for cleansing

By Dave Henning / June 4, 2012

T. D. Jakes discusses the emotion of anger in Chapter 5 (“The Power of a Pure Heart”) of Let It Go.  He doesn’t assert that we shouldn’t be angry in the wake of an offense.  Quite the contrary, when we constructively channel anger, it can be “an incredible asset and a powerful catalyst to catharsis.”  […]


Four keys to forgiveness

By Dave Henning / June 2, 2012

In Chapter 3 of Let It Go, T.D. Jakes describes 4 steps essential to developing an attitude of forgiveness: 1.  Develope self-awareness regarding how you monitor and manage your reactionary thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.  While we can’t control the offenses that come our way, we can control our responses. 2.  Don’t allow your emotions to […]


“I’d rather fight than switch!”

By Dave Henning / June 1, 2012

There was a popular cigarette ad in the 1960’s that featured smokers with a black eye asserting that they’d rather fight for the right to smoke that brand of cigarettes rather than switch to a competitor.  In other words, they’d rather be right, even if it hurt! That type of scenario also can play out […]


Taking the offensive

By Dave Henning / May 31, 2012

In Chapter 2 of Let It Go, Bishop T. D. Jakes shares his realization, gained through a painful personal experience, that “sometimes the greatest opportunities are hidden in the deepest moments of offense.  If you aren’t strong enough to check your emotions, you can miss a great opportunity. . . .” For years after my […]


Taking offense

By Dave Henning / May 30, 2012

T.  D. Jakes (Let It Go) observes that we all have aspirations, hopes, and expectations, regardless of the stage of life we find ourselves.  However, we need to take time to consider what we’ve learned throughout the course of our lives and analyze whether our ‘education’ is working for us or not.  If we don’t, […]

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