All posts in "Blog"

“I don’t like your God”

By Dave Henning / June 23, 2012

Dr. David Stoops (Forgiving the Unforgivable) tells the story of a young man he was counseling who had been deeply hurt by his pastor and was unwilling to forgive the pastor unless that pastor repented.  Dr. Stoops responded that he didn’t like the young man’s God.  What Dr. Stoops meant was that the young man’s […]


Forgive and remember- Part 2

By Dave Henning / June 22, 2012

Another common misperception implicit in the phrase “forgive and forget” is the notion that if we forgive we are in effect saying that the offense against us is of no consequence.  Quite the contrary.  Forgiveness is never a magic wand that turns something evil into something good. Dr. David Stoops (Forgiving the Unforgivable) comments on […]


Forgive and remember

By Dave Henning / June 20, 2012

‘Forgive and forget’- that phrase most likely has been part of our vocabulary since childhood, when our parents imprinted that instruction in our minds as the proper response to our conflict with another child.  Actually, notes Dr. David Stoops (Forgiving the Unforgivable), that adage has been around approximately 700 years, since the 14th century.  Jeremiah […]


Forgiveness and anger- like oil and water?

By Dave Henning / June 19, 2012

When going through the process of forgiveness, do the feelings of anger that inevitably interject themselves compromise or jeopardize (guess what show I was watching when I wrote this) the whole process? Dr. David Stoop (Forgiving the Unforgivable) asserts that not only is it alright to get angry, anger is a necessary part of the […]


The role of grieving in the forgiveness process

By Dave Henning / June 19, 2012

In Chapter 6 (“The Path of Forgiveness”) of Forgiving the Unforgivable, Dr. David Stoops states: “Every painful offense involves a loss of some kind that can only be processed through grief.”  He describes 4 stages in this process.  Stages 1 and 4 are the bookends that hold the entire process together: 1.  Denial or self-blame […]


Defining forgiveness

By Dave Henning / June 17, 2012

The previous blog ended with Dr. Stoops (Forgiving the Unforgivable) commenting that we want to make certain offenses ‘unforgivable’ because we have misperceptions regarding what forgiveness is and is not. In order to check our belief system regarding forgiveness, Dr. Stoops states that it’s important to define exactly what is meant by forgiveness.  He cites […]


Doin’ what comes naturally

By Dave Henning / June 16, 2012

When unforgivable (from our point of view) offenses are committed against us, Dr. David Stoops (Forgiving the Unforgivable) says that our natural desire for justice often leads to thoughts of revenge- and that those thoughts often are quite enjoyable.  Yet, revenge never brings satisfaction.  Dr. Stoops cites an old Chinese proverb- “He who seeks revenge […]


Forgiveness- concept or action?

By Dave Henning / June 15, 2012

In his conclusion to Let It Go,  T. D. Jakes reminds us that forgiveness is not a noun, but a verb.  From his many years of experience as a pastor, he ventures that forgiveness is underutilized by adults: “People often believe it’s important conceptually but reserve forgiveness for a few moments in a prayer at […]


Churches today- places of healing or dis-ease?

By Dave Henning / June 14, 2012

In Chaper 13 (“Physician, Heal Thyself”), T. D. Jakes notes that people’s perceptions of the church run the gamut from ‘shoots its own wounded’ to extremely positive/faith-building. Regardless where we find ourselves on that spectrum, Bishop Jakes posits that most of us would agree on the following 2 conclusions: “First, the church should be a […]


Tending your spiritual garden

By Dave Henning / June 13, 2012

T. D. Jakes (Let It Go) has vivid childhood memories of his grand mother talking to each flower in her garden and diligently removing any weed that dared to show up.  Observing this annual ritual taught Bishop Jakes a valuable lesson- expert gardeners do not tolerate weeds. We must tend our hearts in the same […]


God’s love and recess

By Dave Henning / June 12, 2012

When we are in our desert, Land Between transition period following our ministry downsizing or position loss, we may at times find it difficult to perceive or accept God’s grace and love.  We may tend to over-analyze or ruminate on our situation and circumstances, past and present. According to T. D. Jakes, the solution is […]


Grace space

By Dave Henning / June 11, 2012

Reflecting on what the Lord’s Prayer teaches about forgiveness, Bishop T. D. Jakes (Let It Go) states that it will be difficult for us to forgive others if we are not eternally grateful for the forgiveness God grants to us. But are we prepared, Bishop Jakes asks, to have God treat our sins the way […]

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