All posts in "Blog"

The peace of Christ

By Dave Henning / September 11, 2012

Jesus replied, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let you heart be troubled and do not be afraid.”- John 14: 27 Two followers of Jesus were returning to Emmaus from Jerusalem following Jesus’ crucifixion and death.  When Jesus joined […]


Peace- the absence of internal conflict

By Dave Henning / September 10, 2012

Ruth Graham begins Chapter 7 (“Rest in His Peace”) of Fear Not Tomorrow by retelling a story that illustrates the characteristics of God’s peace. A man decided to hold an art contest to find the painting that would create the best depiction of peace.  Numerous paintings were unveiled, until finally only 2 were left.  The […]


Bruised reeds

By Dave Henning / September 10, 2012

“A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.  In faithfulness He will bring forth justice.”- Isaiah 42:3 In Chapter 6 of Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There, author Ruth Graham observes that the cattails surrounding a pond near her home look serene as they gently sway […]


Retraining our default response

By Dave Henning / September 9, 2012

Ruth Graham (Fear Not Tomorrow) offers her insights on Mark’s account of Jesus Stilling the Storm (Mark 6: 45-51) in Chapter 5- “Encounter His Power”.  She calls attention to the fact that the disciples turned to Jesus only after they had exhausted their own efforts to keep the boat afloat.  Ruth adds that Jesus didn’t […]


Our ultimate security system

By Dave Henning / September 7, 2012

In Chapter 5 of Fear Not Tomorrow, author Ruth Graham notes that we become “acutely aware” of God’s power when we’re in the midst of an adverse situation that we’re powerless to control.  In times of relative peace and prosperity our reliance on God’s power may be obscured.  When we feel in control of our […]


Hurry up and wait

By Dave Henning / September 6, 2012

When we’re in our transitional, desert Land Between time following our ministry downsizing or position loss, we long for God to end our pain, to bring speedy closure to our situation. Near the end of Chapter 4 of Fear Not Tomorrow, author Ruth Graham uses the Biblical account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead […]


Coming undone- not the new normal

By Dave Henning / September 5, 2012

Ruth Graham explains the difference between needing comfort and becoming undone in Chapter 4 of Fear Not Tomorrow.  When we feel undone, we experience a loss of control over ourselves and/or our situation.  Relief from our circumstances is elusive.  Nothing or no one is of any comfort to us.  Ruth explains: “You feel alone and desperate.  You […]


Seeking comfort

By Dave Henning / September 4, 2012

When we’re frightened, confused, worried or heartbroken, we need comfort.  In Chapter 4 of Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There, Ruth Graham describes several ways we may experience comfort. The familiar can be comforting- familiar places or things that hold memories of good times, strength or security.  Routines bring comfort.  Ever since my downsizing, […]


Just the facts, ma’am

By Dave Henning / September 2, 2012

Ruth Graham concludes Chapter 3 of Fear Not Tomorrow with a section entitled “When We Can’t Feel God”.  While there are times where being in God’s presence is a powerful, uplifting experience, Ruth describes times when it is difficult for us to sense His presence: “Being in God’s presence, however, is not always an emotional […]


Simple, honest prayer

By Dave Henning / September 2, 2012

In Chapter 3 of Fear Not Tomorrow, author Ruth Graham discusses experiencing the presence of God.  There are countless ways to experience God’s presence, and there will be ways that are unique to us. One established way is through simple, honest prayer.  One of Ruth’s uncles, who also was a crusade team member, used to […]


Focusing on God’s trustworthiness

By Dave Henning / August 31, 2012

Ruth Graham suggests 3 intentional ways for us to build our trust in God in Chapter 2 of Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There: 1.  Keep a journal.  Ruth says this exercise is great for building our faith.  When journal entries are reviewed, we will see confirmation that God is present.  Since God has […]


Building a track record with God

By Dave Henning / August 31, 2012

As we obediently trust as we walk with God, we have the opportunity to build a track record with Him.  Ruth Graham (Fear Not Tomorrow) notes that the more we walk with the Lord and step forward in faith, we accumulate the touchstone experiences necessary to build and strengthen our faith. There will be times […]

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