About the author

Dave Henning


Secure attachment with God

By Dave Henning / July 21, 2024

“But here’s the question we must ask if we seek a secure attachment with God.  Has this concept of Emmanuel become so overfamiliar that it has become lodged in our logical left brain and is never given the capacity to form the basis of our security in the world? . . .  Have we kept […]


A safe pair of eyes to land on

By Dave Henning / July 20, 2024

“We all need a safe pair of eyes to land on when we’re moving into fight-or-flight.  We regulate our emotions through glances of kindness. . . .  look for someone who knows us, someone who carries the truth of our value, someone who holds us in friendship when we’re in a swirl of anxiety.”- Summer […]


A Trip around the Sun

By Dave Henning / July 19, 2024

A Trip around the Sun Coauthors Mark Batterson and Richard (Dick) Foth wrote A Trip around the Sun: Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure of a Lifetime (BakerBooks) in 2015.  When God placed us on earth, He created us for more than a safe ride.  Therefore, we need to live with holy anticipation of […]


No higher commendation

By Dave Henning / July 18, 2024

“God won’t say ‘Well thought’ or ‘Well said’ or ‘Well planned.’  There is only one commendation: ‘Well done.’  And there is no higher commendation than that.  It is the epitaph that every Christ follower wants written over their lives.  Anything less than that is falling short.”- Mark Batterson “His master said to him, ‘Well done, […]


Intangible things = legacy

By Dave Henning / July 17, 2024

“A legacy is the intangible things we leave behind. . . .  Legacy is the essence of a person — their hopes, their dreams, their passions.  It’s the part of their personality, their character, that you want to emulate.  The people who have the greatest influence on our lives create a backdrop against which we […]


Measured in minutes – life?

By Dave Henning / July 16, 2024

“Life isn’t measured in minutes.  It’s measured in moments.  It’s not the length of days that really matters.  [Life’s] the stewardship of moments. . . .  In other words, make each day count.”- Mark Batterson “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”- Psalm 96:12 (NIV) “Preach [and live] […]


Touched by the eternal

By Dave Henning / July 15, 2024

“When we are touched by the eternal, it gives us the now in a way that nothing else does. . . .  Earthly days can have eternal impact.”- Dick Foth “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 3:14 (NIV) “If you […]


Success is succession

By Dave Henning / July 14, 2024

“In my book, success is succession. . . .  If your influence ends with you, it wasn’t worth your time and effort.  Your life is a dead end.  But if you influence the next generation, you won’t just enter eternity when you die.  You will live on in the lives of those you leave behind.”- […]


The distillation of experience

By Dave Henning / July 13, 2024

“Wisdom is the distillation of experience.  If we invite God into our experience, it becomes concentrated and focused in a way that is true and easy to understand. . . .  It is the process of years yielded to God, to His understanding, to His ways that births wisdom.”- Dick Foth “Trust in the LORD […]


The right cloud formation?

By Dave Henning / July 12, 2024

“If you wait for the right cloud formation or until planting conditions are perfect, you will never do anything.  All you need is a green light from God.  Throw caution to the wind and go for it.”- Mark Batterson “Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle, for […]


Imperfect lives impact the world

By Dave Henning / July 11, 2024

“When we read about someone doing the impossible, we start to believe the impossible is possible.  When we read of passion and triumph and failure, we see that no one is perfect.  We need to know that imperfect people can lead imperfect lives and still impact the world around them in powerful ways.  That lets […]


Bumping into someone’s anointing

By Dave Henning / July 10, 2024

“When you surround yourself with people you admire, who live in a way that inspires you, they start to rub off on you.  I call it ‘bumping into someone’s anointing.’  It’s not something that can simply be taught.  It has to be caught.”- Mark Batterson (emphasis author’s) “It is amazing what you can accomplish if […]

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