About the author

Dave Henning


True Courage

By Dave Henning / November 22, 2011

True Courage (David C. Cook, 2011) Author Steve Farrar bases this book on the Biblical Book of Daniel, specifically the true courage Daniel displayed in every criswis he faced.  The bedrock of Daniel’s true courage was that he knew God rather than merely of His existence. True Courage has two unique traits: (1) it enables […]


The Shadow of His Hand

By Dave Henning / November 14, 2011

Many years ago, my mother and I returned from a shopping trip to discover that the side door to our house was unlocked.  To my young mind that meant only one thing-burglars had broken in and were hiding in the basement waiting to attack us!  I wouldn’t enter the house until my mom descended to […]


Trusting God

By Dave Henning / November 1, 2011

Trusting God (Navpress, 2008) Author Jerry Bridges introduces his expository Bible study on the sovereignty of God with one question requiring a two-fold answer from the reader: “Can you trust God?”  In other words, is God dependable (worth of trust) during times of adversity and do you have a strong relationship with God so that you […]


Blessings in Disguise

By Dave Henning / October 22, 2011

We long for a quick exit from our “land between”, an instantaneous miracle that brings closure to our situation on a moment’s notice.  With the psalmist David we cry out, “How long, O Lord?  Will you forget me forever?  How long will you hide your face from me?  How long must I wrestle with my […]


Turning Darkness into Light

By Dave Henning / October 15, 2011

Whenever I was preparing my class for a field trip, I would emphatically draw their attention to the fact that complete strangers would be taking notice of their behavior and that the field trip was a magnificent opportunity to be witnesses of God’s love to others. I learned this lesson as a child, although I […]


Second Guessing God

By Dave Henning / October 11, 2011

Second Guessing God (Standard Publishing, 2006) Brian Jones begins his book with a foundational quote from Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) in which the philosopher states that authentic belief in God consists of a passionate heart mixed with anguish, uncertainty, doubt, and despair.  Without those elements, one simply believes in the idea of God.  In […]


You are the God who sees me

By Dave Henning / October 8, 2011

How did your downsizing happen?  Did it hit like a bolt out of the blue or, in retrospect were the signs slowly but imperceptible building?  Personally, although I was experiencing a growing uneasiness in my teaching ministry, I held on to the belief that if any teachers were let go, my seniority would save me. […]


Life’s Journey Wends

By Dave Henning / September 30, 2011

The following hymn verses were written by Rev. Larry Hauser, who just retired as the pastor of Berea Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Based on Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus Walks on the Water) and sung to the tune O Waly, Waly, Rev. Hauser’s hymn addresses those emotions common to anyone in a period of transition, what […]


The Upside of Adversity

By Dave Henning / September 30, 2011

The Upside of Adversity (Regal Books, 2006) Os Hillman thought he had it all.  Operating his own 10-employee advertising agency  as a Christian witness, he became nearly financially independent by the age of 42.  Os and his wife had just purchased a 13-acre estate and were drawing up plans for their dream home.  Shortly after […]


Putting Your Past in Its Place

By Dave Henning / September 7, 2011

Putting Your Past in Its Place (Harvest House Publishers, 2011) In Putting Your Past in Its Place, Dr. Stephen Viars draws on more than 20 years of ministry as a pastor and biblical counselor to address the role that the past plays in one’s present-day life and craft an appropriate response founded on God’s authoritative, […]


The Adversity Advantage

By Dave Henning / August 22, 2011

The Adversity Advantage (Simon & Schuster, 2010) This book is co-authored by Paul Stoltz, Ph.D and Erik Weihenmeyer.  Dr. Stoltz has spent decades studying adversity and is the creator of the Adversity Quotient, a measure of one’s posture with respect to adversity.  At the center of  one’s AQ is the CORE (Control-Ownership-Reach-Endurance).  Erik Weihenmeyer bacame totally […]


God’s healing, transformational power

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2011

Jeff Manion begins and ends his wonderful book, The Land Between, with these words: “Welcome to the Land Between”.  While the title specifically refers to the time the Children of Israel spent in the wilderness after leaving Egypt and before entering the  Promised Land, it also generally refers to any transitional period in our own […]

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