About the author

Dave Henning


A Better Way to Think

By Dave Henning / February 14, 2012

A Better Way to Think (Revell, 2011) How many thoughts do you have each day?  Depending on how active your mind is, you may have more than 45,000!  In large part, those thoughts shape you.  When your first response is emotional, that emotion is designed to alert and focus you rather than direct your actions.  […]


Coming soon!

By Dave Henning / February 13, 2012

Coming soon to an Annotated Bibliography near you (much more dramatic than saying “over the next several months”):  (1) The Calling: Living a Life of Significance by Kurt Senske; (2) The Peace God Promises by Ann Spangler: (3) If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John […]


Scriptural guidance

By Dave Henning / February 12, 2012

In his book A Better Way to Think, H. Norman Wright asserts:  “Many people use their thoughts to guide them, to give them direction.  We need something more than this because we really don’t always have a good sense of direction within us. . . .We need God’s Word.”  Jeremiah 10: 23 reminds us: I […]


Vision check

By Dave Henning / February 10, 2012

In his book Living above the Level of Mediocrity, author Chuck Swindoll states:  “Vision is the ability to see God’s presence, to perceive God’s power, to focus on God’s plan, in spite of the obstacles. . . . I sometimes think of vision as looking at life through the lens of God’s eyes, seeing situations […]


Who(se) are you?

By Dave Henning / February 8, 2012

From the moment I started attending Timothy Lutheran School in Chicago as a 4th grader, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Actually, truth be told, I first wanted to be a pastor until I figured out there was more to that calling than writing and preaching sermons.  Teaching was the […]


Emotional toxicity

By Dave Henning / February 7, 2012

In her book When Am I Going to Be Happy? author Penelope Russvanoff points out that “while negative emotions stick to us like tar, our positive, healthy, happy feelings are often fleeting and fragile.  Good moods are shattered by the mildest reversals and instantly replaced by bad moods.”  Commenting on this quote in his book […]


Emotional ghosts

By Dave Henning / February 3, 2012

Do you find yourself having unexpected and inexplicable hostile responses  to certain people or situations?  In his book A Better Way to Think, author H. Norman Wright says that some people refer to this phenomenon as “emotional ghosts”.  These ghosts cause us to hear remembered toxic statements over and over again.  The author continues, “When […]


Know Doubt

By Dave Henning / January 23, 2012

(Zondervan, 2008) John Ortberg introduces Know Doubt (previously titled Faith and Doubt) by emphasizing that “when we take seriously the reality of faith and doubt, the most important word in the phrase is the one in the middle.  While faith and doubt often are considered mutually exclusive terms, philosopher Michael Novak suggests that doubt is […]


Thinking outside the box

By Dave Henning / January 19, 2012

We often associate the New Year with a fresh start, carrying the hope that things will be prosperous or improved in the coming year.  What are you hoping for this year- winning the lottery, finding that special someone, better health, a return to church work? In 1 Samuel 4 and 5, Israel goes into battle […]


And the rough places plain

By Dave Henning / December 21, 2011

In Hamlet Shakespeare writes: “When sorrows come- they come not single spies- but in battalions.”  He might well have added “especially at Christmas”!  Christmas intensifies the impact of our adversities, much like a magnifying glass igniting a leaf by concentrating the sun’s rays on a vulnerable spot.  Bombarded by messages of ‘peace’ and ‘joy’,  there […]


RIF Resources Document- LCMS

By Dave Henning / December 8, 2011

The attached document was prepared by the School Ministry Team specifically to enable congregations in the LC-MS handle potention or actual reduction in force situations on their staffs.  However, it also is extremely useful for church workers facing the loss of their positions to understand the recommended procedures that are consistent with Synodical doctrine and practice. […]


How to Handle Adversity

By Dave Henning / December 4, 2011

How to Handle Adversity (Thomas Nelson, 1989) In his introduction to this book, Dr. Charles Stanley tells us that adversity is handled in one of two ways- either people are committed to the process of spiritual maturity and growth or they put themselves in what the author calls a “spiritual coma”, unable to change their […]

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