Desire moves mountains

By Dave Henning / June 30, 2024

“Desire moves mountains and breaks down walls.  Sometimes we get off course, desiring things or setting goals that will lead to no good end.  But if our desire is in the right place, loving Jesus and loving others, there is no telling where Jesus can take us.  He out-dreams us, out-plans us, and outdoes us.”- Dick Foth

“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”- Philippians 2:11 (ESV)

“Without desire — disaster.”- Paul McGarvey, football coach and Dick’s friend

In Chapter 7 (“Shared Goals”) of A Trip around the Sun, Dick Foth underscores the need for desire in order to reach one’s goals.  Furthermore, Dick observes, goals serve as a way to refocus your life.  Because goals:

  • give you purpose and a target to shoot for.
  • function as the compass of your dreams, helping you to set a steady course.
  • comprise direction and progress.

However, Dick counsels, when we lose sight of our goals, we lose sight of ourselves.  In addition, we lose sight of who we’re trying to become, who God created us to be.  All this gets lost in translation.

Most significantly, Dick observes, the goals we need to identify and keep in sight fill life.  But when we lost sight of the goal, we simply drift.  And sometimes drifting leads to disaster.

In conclusion, Dick offers these words of encouragement and hope.  He writes:

‘We may not meet every goal that we set . . . may not see that [money] we were hoping for.  We will make some mistakes and do a little backtracking now and again.  But one thing is clear: if our greatest desire is to follow Jesus and our greatest goal is to find ourselves in His presence at the end of this life, He will make it so.  In that moment, our desire and His desire for us will intersect.”

Today’s question: Do you agree with Dick Foth that desire moves mountains?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Seeking success or seeking God?”

About the author

Dave Henning

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