Measured in moments, not minutes

By Dave Henning / June 23, 2024

“Our lives are not just measured in minutes.  They are measured in moments — moments when minutes stand still.  and it’s those defining moments that define our lives!  Life becomes an adventure when we start seeing the miraculous in the mundane.  When we put feet to our passion or bear-hug a new challenge, it changes our outlook on life.”- Mark Batterson

“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand.”- Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of A Trip around the Sun as he describes the most valuable legacy we can pass on to the next generation.  That legacy = a capacity for wonder and gratitude, a sense of aliveness and joy.  Above all, Mark exhorts us to accumulate experiences, not things.

In addition, Mark stresses, when you feed your curiosity, you spark your sense of adventure.  Consequently, to see opportunities and seize them, you simply need to train yourself to do so.  However, Pastor Batterson cautions:

“I think most of us spend our lives accumulating the wrong things: possessions.  And we end up possessed by our possessions!  We don’t own things.  They own us. . . .  That two-word mantra — accumulate experiences — is my modus operandi.  It frames my life.”

In conclusion, Mark underscores, our heavenly Father orchestrates opportunities for us.  Most significantly, as the apostle Paul states in Ephesians 2:10, the King of Kings takes care of His servants.  Therefore, God strategically positions us in the right place at the right time!  The Creator of the universe carefully choreographs each of our trips around the sun.  Hence, we just need to take His cues.

As a result, Pastor Batterson encourages:

“Defining moments.  Intentional strategies.  Adventurous living.  Most of us spend our trips around the sun accumulating the wrong things.  Possessions are a dime a dozen.  Experiences are the currency of a life well lived.”

Today’s question: Do you see your life as measured in moments or minutes?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Our common ground – Jesus”

About the author

Dave Henning

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