Personhood or story – welcome home

By Dave Henning / June 26, 2023

“My truest, most profound strength will never be found in denying the reality of my personhood or my story.  Instead, the deepest strength has always, always been about welcoming them home.”- Aundi Kolber

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”- E. E. Cummings

“For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”- John 1:16 (ESV)

In Chapter 9 (“Strength with Integration”) of Strong Like Water, Aundi Kolber stresses the need to honor all parts of ourselves.  In order that they align with who God made us to be.  Because, Aundi underscores, our incarnational, alive God made us in His image.

However, Aundi notes, even after we do a lot of work, we may still leave ourselves.  Therefore, on occasion we find ourselves outside of our window of tolerance. Even about a situation we’d healed from.

Yet, the author counsels, we are not static human beings – planted in one way and place for all time.  Rather, God created us with the capacity to change, grow, and heal.  As a result, we can return.  So, Aundi expands this concept:

“In a sense, all integration is a return.  Even when we begin to lose our aim, our focus, our integrity, our compassion — maybe even our hope — the truth is that ‘the healing is in the return,’ as mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg says.  I love God’s wisdom in recognizing and embedding this into who we are.  We are made for the return (emphasis Aundi’s).”

In conclusion, Aundi observes we return to goodness:

  • not out of fear, though fear may be present.
  • because God designed us for connection, fullness, and abundance.
  • because God invites us to be whole.
  • in order to grow our ability to be strong like water — every time we return to God and to ourselves.
  • to turn toward life; toward the Life Giver.

Today’s question: What Bible verses help you welcome home your personhood or your story?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The rhythmic nature of rest”

About the author

Dave Henning

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